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Department of Physics

P.O. Box 35 (YFL)
FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland
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Seminars, colloquia, dissertations

last modified 30.04.2007

Kollokviot, seminaarit, väitökset ja muut tapahtumat

Note: The language of the announcement is also the language of the talk.


Seminar: Fri. 27.4.2007, at 13.15, lecture room FYS3
David Meltzer,  University of Washington
Title: Detecting and Addressing Students' Reasoning Difficulties in Thermal Physics

Recent investigations into student learning of thermal physics at the undergraduate level have shown that most students in introductory courses face significant obstacles in mastering fundamental concepts in this area. Results from a variety of U.S. institutions indicate that up to 80% or more of all students fail to complete introductory courses with an ability to use the first law of thermodynamics in problem solving, while related confusion with entropy and second-law concepts is also widespread. The data available from studies carried out in other nations are consistent with this result. Our ongoing investigation of student learning of thermal physics at the advanced undergraduate level confirms that difficulties with fundamental concepts persist for a majority of students at this more advanced level as well. I will present data that characterizes these learning difficulties in more detail and reflects their prevalence at different levels of instruction. I will also discuss a variety of pedagogical strategies and curricular materials that we have been developing, all aimed at addressing and resolving these difficulties at both the introductory and advanced undergraduate level.

Nanoscience seminars

TALKS in 2007
TALKS in 2006
TALKS in 2005
TALKS in 2004
TALKS in 2003

Jyväskylän yliopisto | PL 35, 40014 Jyväskylän yliopisto | puh. (014) 260 1211 | fax (014) 260 1021