1. Introductory Physics: A Pilot
Project for an Elementary Course based on Guided Inquiry, with the
Theme of “Energy,” National Science Foundation Award Abstract
- #9354595. | | | | |
2. Microcomputer-Based Curricular Enhancements for Elementary Physics,, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #9650754. | | | | |
3. Elementary Physics Course Based on Guided Inquiry, National Science Foundation Award Abstracts - #9653079 and #9896264. | | | | |
4. Development of Active-Learning Curricular Materials in Thermodynamics for Physics and Chemistry, Iowa State University Center for Teaching Excellence - 1999-2000 Miller Faculty Fellow | | | | |
5. Development of Active-Learning
Curricular Materials in Thermodynamics, National Science
Foundation Award Abstract - #9981140. | | | | |
6. Active-Learning and Critical Thinking in Large-Enrollment Physics Courses, Iowa State University Center for Teaching Excellence - 2002-2003 Teaching Scholar. | | | | |
7. Investigation of Diverse Representational
Modes in the Learning of Physics and Chemistry, National
Science Foundation Award Abstract - #0206683. | | | | |
8. Formative Assessment Materials
for Large-Enrollment Physics Lecture Classes, National Science
Foundation Award Abstract - #0243258. | | | | |
9. Active-Learning Curricular Materials
for Fully Interactive Physics Lectures, National Science
Foundation Award Abstract - #0311450. | | | | |
10. Collaborative Research: Research on the Learning
and Teaching of Thermal Physics, National Science Foundation
Award Abstract - #0406724, #0604703. | | | | |
11. Collaborative Research: Research and Curriculum Development in Thermal Physics, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #0817282. | | | | |
12. WIDER: EAGER: Recognizing, Assessing, and Enhancing Evidence-Based Instructional Practices in STEM at Arizona State University, Polytechnic, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #1256333. | | | | |