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Current Projects

1. Identifying and Addressing Mathematical Difficulties in Introductory Physics Courses, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #1504986.


2. Collaborative Research: Math Practice for Physics: Building Math Fluency in an Introductory Undergraduate Physics Context, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #1914712.


Ongoing Projects

1. Workbook for Introductory Physics
Download the entire Workbook in a .zip archive (20 megabytes) or browse the organizational structure by clicking the Directory Index. All content is available as .pdf files; some content is also available in Microsoft Word .doc format (the .zip version includes both).


2. Bibliography on Thermodynamics


3. Listing of Physics Education Research papers published in the American Journal of Physics since 1972


Previous Projects

1. Introductory Physics: A Pilot Project for an Elementary Course based on Guided Inquiry, with the Theme of “Energy,” National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #9354595.


2. Microcomputer-Based Curricular Enhancements for Elementary Physics,, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #9650754.


3. Elementary Physics Course Based on Guided Inquiry, National Science Foundation Award Abstracts - #9653079 and #9896264.


4. Development of Active-Learning Curricular Materials in Thermodynamics for Physics and Chemistry, Iowa State University Center for Teaching Excellence - 1999-2000 Miller Faculty Fellow


5. Development of Active-Learning Curricular Materials in Thermodynamics, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #9981140.


6. Active-Learning and Critical Thinking in Large-Enrollment Physics Courses, Iowa State University Center for Teaching Excellence - 2002-2003 Teaching Scholar.


7. Investigation of Diverse Representational Modes in the Learning of Physics and Chemistry, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #0206683.


8. Formative Assessment Materials for Large-Enrollment Physics Lecture Classes, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #0243258.


9. Active-Learning Curricular Materials for Fully Interactive Physics Lectures, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #0311450.


10. Collaborative Research: Research on the Learning and Teaching of Thermal Physics, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #0406724, #0604703.


11. Collaborative Research: Research and Curriculum Development in Thermal Physics, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #0817282.


12. WIDER: EAGER: Recognizing, Assessing, and Enhancing Evidence-Based Instructional Practices in STEM at Arizona State University, Polytechnic, National Science Foundation Award Abstract - #1256333.